What do Wino 2025 starts March 21st!

  • 6 weeks of transformational content to work on shifting your inner dialogue about alcohol's significance in your life.
  • 4 - live group coaching sessions to get your questions answered and have customized support.
  • One priviate hypnotherapy session with me to immediately reduce your urge to drink.
  • A supportive conversational community to been seen and heard.
  • Limited to 10 people to create an intimate, effective, and safe container.

If you want to wake up feeling fresh, confident and clear-headed,

without regret for how you drank the night before because you have learned how to make drinking a conscientious, selective choice rather than a default behavior,

What do Wino is made for you.

You are 'over it' with over-drinking or drinking as an automatic habit and you are ready to change your thinking about the way that you are drinking.

So that you can:

  • Have regular alcohol free evenings 1- 7 times a week instead of drinking to relax / unwind.
  • Naturally move towards healthier alternatives for stress and anxiety relief like walking, deep breathing, exercise and meditation and actually have the energy for them.
  • Learn to see past the social cues that 'everyone is drinking' and make decisions based on how you FEEL inside of your body instead of operating based on social cues or conditioning.
  • Reframe the stories that alcoholic drinks are a form of treats or rewards or self-care and opt for things and activities that truly make you feel GOOD physically and mentally (not just in the moment, but for the long term)!
  • Have Alcohol Free weekends and vacations if you choose - rather than leaning into the conditioned behavior of, "Now I'm on a break so it's officially time to drink."

Your drinking habits may feel 'automatic', but they're actually run by the stories about yourself and alcohol that you have on repeat.

If you've tried unsuccessfully to moderate or to change your drinking habits before, or you are brand new at this, What do Wino is not even about moderating. It is about changing your belief system around alcohol and what it even means to you.

It is about changing the story that you have about why you think that you 'need' it or why you even feel like you 'want' it. It's about becoming mindfully aware of your thoughts and how they are driving your behavior.

Once you do that, you’ll finally understand your relationship with alcohol and why your habits feel automatic.

Your new wave of thinking will result in new behaviors that surprise even you, such as:

  • Ordering a lemonade at a restaurant instead of a cocktail
  • Walking out of a store without buying alcohol
  • Having one glass of wine instead of three

All of these have happened for my past clients.

These new associations and neural pathways will happen naturally as you learn the tools in this program.

Imagine waking up and congratulating yourself for either not drinking nor over-drinking the night before... no more hangziety, no more wasted weekends.

This is the power of hypnosis, meditation, mindfulness, and

the art of changing your mind.

What do Wino was created by Jessica Betancourt, a certified Hypnotherapist, Transformational Life Coach and former Wino. She works both with private clients and group coaching programs to help Gray Area Drinkers achieve their next level of health of by minimizing their drinking via subconscious reprogramming and by teaching the benefit of using spirituality for healing.

  • 6 weeks of Mindful Drinking coaching lessons that are emailed to you every week. Lessons consist of a combination of: Mindset Shifting techniques, tools for minimizing your drinking, methods for creating routine Alcohol Free days, hypnosis and meditations, spiritual and emotional healing.

  • A private, on-going community conversation hosted in an online chat, where you can share your WINS and your CHALLENGES, be visible, create connections with other Mindful Drinkers, and feel seen and heard in a supportive, non-judgemental space, accessible 24/7.

  • What do Wino is priced at $1,111 (one time payment) or for a payment plan of $200 X 6 monthly instalments.

  • You will gain access to any additional modules for no additional cost as well as attend any subsequent rounds of What do Wino for free.

  • What do Wino 2025 includes: a private 1-1 hypnotherapy session with me. And a FREE 30 day trial of SALUD, The Mindful Drinking Membership for Spiritually - Minded People.

These are some of the results that members of

The Mindful Drinking Movement experience using mindfulness methodology to change their beliefs about alcohol so that they can easily drink less or not at all.

What do Wino is now open for enrollment

How does this program work exactly?

For 6 weeks you will recieve new material based in the theme of that week. These will include various techniques to create a desired mindset shift, ways to reprogram your subconscious and a step by step process to re-write and upgrade your alcohol story. There is also a private group for community support and accountability, it is also where you have the opportunity to share in a safe space, your discoveries about yourself and how you are realizing your upgraded beliefs.

What are the themes that we are working with?
  • Having mostly Alcohol Free Days, re-learning NOT drinking as an automatic evening time behavior.
  • NOT drinking as a reaction to stress and anxiety.
  • Reinventing how you drink socially so that you feel GOOD about your choices rather than basing them on what is going on around you.
  • No longer seeing alcohol as a treat or a reward.
  • How to avoid going overboard on vacations and weekends.
What if I don't like it?

If you feel like it's not working for you, you may receive a full refund within one week of starting the program,

not a problem at all.

How much does the program cost?

It is available for a one-time payment of $1,111 or for 6 monthly installments of $200.

How long do I have to use it?

You have access to the online portion of the program for a minimum of one year after purchase, to review and come back to, to listen and absorb the hypnotic, subconcious re-programming messaging again and again. The more you apply the teachings, the more you train your thinking to flow in the direction of desiring less and less alcohol, making it easier for you to go without it and to really tune in to your body regarding its needs. In this time you will also gain access to any new modules that are created for no additional cost.

I know you keep telling yourself, “It’s just not a good time.”

You’re overwhelmed just trying to get through the day. After giving all your attention to work, your family, and your social life you’re too tired to give back to yourself.

Plus you have that wedding/vacation/event coming up next month, so you should probably wait until that’s over to address this alcohol thing…

And you should probably be able to do it alone, right? Maybe it even means you have a problem if you can’t do it alone (it doesn’t. It means your human).

You already have the sense that doing another Dry January or diet cleanse isn’t going to give you the whole-life transformation you want.

If you’re ready to make this change, the best time IS now.

How much could you save a year if you had even ½ as many drinks a week?

If you’re like most of my clients, you’re already spending around $100 a week on alcohol.

Which means you’ll save the cost of this program in less than 2 months just by cutting back on alcohol.

And then you’ll keep saving, not only money but time, energy and attention that you could be putting towards bigger life goals.