Root Cause Hypnotherapy - Single Session

How does it work?

I work with people to resolve an issue or a pattern, and an emotional attachment that they have to alcohol.

The way that this works with hypnosis is that you get to shift through your subconscious memory while in a relaxed state and that allows you to access the ORIGIN or ROOT CAUSE of why you feel like alcohol is serving you or helping you. You get to see with your Adult Mind how you developed these beliefs at the time they took hold and you can see that you are no longer who you used to be. You get to change your mind at a subconscious level about who you wish to be - how you self-identify. We then re-frame the significance that you have attached to alcohol, making it far less significant for you - even meaningless. In this way, you get to heal the cause of addiction rather than just removing the substance itself.

What is included?

  • A 2-hour custom hypnotherapy session which will help you make a profound connection with your drinking habits to a pivotal moment from the past. You will experience a shift in your emotional state that allows you to feel freer, more liberated, and lighter so that your desire to ‘drink to escape’ becomes almost negligible.

  • A custom mediation recording to listen to for 21 days to help you create new neural pathways in what you would rather be choosing instead.

  • A 45 minute follow up session.

What else can these sessions help with?

In addition to re-framing the Root Cause of an alcohol obsession, these single session packages are also effective for: quitting smoking, creating closure with a relationship - such as with a former partner or with an inaccessible parent, reducing anxiety, decreasing or eliminating the desire for sugar, and other various expressions of obsessing, ruminating, or living in unhelpful cyclical patterns.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Will I feel out of control?

A: Absolutely not, you will be in complete control of your physical body and will be in a state of

deep relaxation. You will not do anything that you do not want to do, you will just be open to

suggestibility. And you will be seated the entire time; you will only be asked to move your head

and arms when prompted.

  • Q: Is this type of therapy effective when done virtually?

A: Yes. It is just as effective as if it were done in person as it is mainly an auditory experience

and you also have the benefit of being able to relax in your own home.

  • Q: Will I feel hypnotized?

A: Hypnosis is a natural Alpha state of deep relaxation. You experience this same state when

you are daydreaming, when you are in REM and when you are in flow. It is completely natural

and the most you will feel is deep and comforting relaxation.

  • Q: How does this process go exactly?

A: I will put you into a trance state where you will be able to release conscious thought and to

access the subconscious. We will drift back through time and pinpoint certain memories that

are associated with the issue that you want help with. We will rewrite the significance that you

attached to the associated events and instill new thought patterns which will allow you to move

forward and through the issue. A recording will be made of part of the session which details

your transformation. You are to listen to this recording (approximately 10-15 minutes) every day

for 21 days. I will check in with you after 21 days to note your progress.

What is the cost?

The cost is $555. Payment plans are available upon request.

How do I schedule a session?

You may schedule a session right here.

Depending on your time zone, (I live in Spain and am on UK/ WET time), you might not see something that works for you. Please email me, in this case and we can arrange for something that suits your time zone and schedule.