You're invited to...

Happier Hour!

with Jessica Betancourt and Bless'ed Vida

Learn how to implement Alcohol-Free weekdays into your life on a regular basis

so that you can experience the magic of downgrading alcohol's importance in your life.

Break the habit of opening a bottle at the end of your day!

How often have you woken up, groggy and foggy and cranky because your 'one' evening drink turned into 3 or 4? And now you have no choice but to face the day: take care of kids, get to work, keep appointments, but you feel edgy, slightly incapacitated, or worse?

And how often have you told yourself, "If I could just get past that 5-7pm zone when I: have a drink when I get home, open a bottle of wine when I start dinner, have a drink to 'end the day', then I would be FINE!"

But what happens in that window of time, commonly referred to as the 'Witching Hour'?

You may wake up feeling well-intentioned, like "This is the day I don't have a drink at 5pm!" But then something derails you, you talk yourself OUT of having an AF day and INTO pouring that drink. And the result is that you probably feel at odds with yourself.

What happens is - you have no accountability, visibility, or support.

Just becuase you've done something for a long time, doesn't mean that you have to do it forever.

"Ok, I'm interested! So, what exactly happens at Happier Hour?

Happier Hour is where you receive real-time coaching from me (a professional Health and Life Coach and former Wino) and a community of empowered people who are breaking the cycle of using alcohol to signify the END of the DAY!

You will learn how to over-ride your initial urge or craving to drink and how to PREFER a healthier habit in its place.

You will personalize your goal of 1-5 Alcohol Free weekdays, and receive support and accountability to make that goal into your new reality.

You will feel AMAZING in your ability to drink LESS and better care for your HEALTH.


How do I contact you when I have the urge to drink?

When you sign up for Happier Hour, you will receive access to a private coaching app and also a private Facebook group. You can send a text or voice message to either place at ANY time! When you are having a moment of frustration, 'weakness', feeling triggered or anything else that sparks your desire to have a drink when you have a planned AF day. I will respond in real time during my working hours (9am - 6pm UK time, and for this program also 8pm-10pm UK time). You will also receive support from the Happier Hour community.

How will you help me NOT drink on my planned AF days?

I have NUMEROUS ways to do this! It's really a matter of building in that necessary pause before you go to have a drink and checking in with your inner world. How are you feeling? What are you actually needing? What would REALLY make you feel good right now? How else can you get your needs met? I help you understand your urges and the real motives behind your drinking so that you feel more in control of your self and your decisions.

How long does Happier Hour last?

Happier Hour is available every Monday - Thursday between September 21st and October 21st.

What does it cost?

Happier Hour is priced at $297 for an entire month! (Although be on the look out for some Early Bird Specials).

You will likely break even or better with NOT spending that much money on alcohol. That is the amount of money that I used to spend on wine every 2 weeks!

Several years ago I couldn't WAIT until 5 O'clock so that I could open my wine and be DONE with the day! But clearly, the day is not over at 5 pm and that is a LOT of time to just squander away. I feel like time is our most precious commodity and now that I have learned how to omit chronic drinking from my lifestyle, I have so much MORE time! And ENERGY and just general HAPPINESS! I am a better mom, a better coach, my skin is better my jokes are better, it's just BETTER! I want to live in a world where we humans really step up to how amazing we are. And our efforts and our talents can really contribute more pwerfully to the greater good when we're not drinking all of the time. It's honestly not that hard at all, you just need some tools and opportunities to practice them! Plus, I make it fun.

The overall quality of your life is determined by the seemingly little things that you do on a daily basis.